TatAgroExpo2024, Kazan

Since January 29, 2024, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the VI specialized agricultural exhibition of the achievements of the agro-industrial complex – TatAgroExpo - has been held in Kazan.
At the moment, the exhibition has already been visited by more than 10,116 people from 43 regions of Russia and 8 countries of the world.
MLK Group is traditionally represented with an exposition of the Bereketle brand. The tasting of novelties of cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream made a sensation among the visitors of the exhibition; the products were noted by the highest taste and quality.
Tags: MLK-GROUP, Mlk Group, Uva-moloko, Milkovo, Bereketle, Molochnaya Familia, Emshanov, Kasymovskiy, Apastovskiy, Dairy Plant, milk plant, dairy plant, Molsbyt, MLK Group, milk production
2024-02-02 11:27