Audits of production by retail chains

Uva-moloko quarterly receives representatives of both federal networks and state quality control services , for example, Rosselkhoznadzor (audit when opening a new export application).
Questions, as a rule, consist of the requirements of the SanPiN for a specific production and the requirements for the availability of the HACCP system and procedures (as a rule, according to the requirements of ISO 22000). Additional requirements from the retail chain related to its procedures and policies may also be included.

Last week, a regular audit of Auchan was held, no global comments were recorded. All production processes are carried out in compliance with three-stage quality control.
MLK-GROUP, Mlk Group, Uva-moloko, Milkovo, Bereketle, Molochnaya Familia, Emshanov, Kasymovskiy, Apastovskiy, Dairy Plant, milk plant, dairy plant, Molsbyt, MLK Group, milk production
2023-11-14 11:55